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Review: Something new.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

inLife something new

So here is a review of a new product. This is A program that you can join and sell online or out in the real world. this is the product.

inLife are alternative smoking devices that simulate the sensation of smoking without exposing the user to harmful levels of cancer causing agents and other dangerous chemicals normally associated with traditional tobacco products.

The simulated smoke produced is actually a vapor that looks like, tastes, feels and reacts much like tobacco smoke. When exhaled, the vapor harmlessly evaporates in the surrounding air within seconds.

I have a close Friend that has been doing this for a couple of weeks he has been extremely successful with the product and the program and he swears by it! I think it is a great concept. The compensation plan is good and it is a reputable company thus far. And my friend has never lied to me before and he has never tried to sell me on anything before.I signed up because I have to be on the inside to help others on the out side. It cost me 29.00 to sign up as an affiliate. One time Fee I did not buy an of the product but as an affiliate obviously you get some pretty good discounts. Because I am primarily an online make money person not an outside salesperson. I will be promoting it online, I do see the potential of outside sales as well.

I googled inlife only 149,000 sites which is really GOOD that means the market is not totally saturated by it yet. This is one of those programs where you can focus on selling just the product or recruiting distributor side.

I hope you will take the time to check it out. inLife

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  1. I hope it doesn't smell like Tobacco smoke.

    Was the WTG ment to be WTF?
    if not then i dont know what WTG means XD

  2. WTG way to go! and no it has no smell at all!

  3. Awesome! no smell! this could really improve publicness!



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